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        Fig. 4. Tissue distribution and pharmacokinetics of C34 in vivo. (A) In vivo real-time fluorescence imaging in H22 tumor–bearing mice after intravenous injection of
        C34 (left) at 16 mg/kg body weight or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (right). (B) C34 showed increased accumulation in tumor sites as time increased after intravenous
        injection (16 mg/kg). (C) Representative HPLC profiles of (a) blank rat plasma, (b) IS (5 g/ml), (c) blank rat plasma added with C34 (40 g/ml) and IS (5 g/ml), and (d) rat
        plasma sample collected at 5 min after a single intravenous administration of C34 (16 mg/kg) and added with IS. Peak 1, C34; peak 2, IS. (D) Mean plasma concentration-time
        profile of C34 after single intravenous administrations (16 mg/kg). (E) In vivo real-time fluorescence imaging of the orthotopic 4T1 breast cancer model at 2 hours after
        intravenous injection of C34 (left) and ex vivo imaging of the collected organs (right). Data were shown as means ± SD (n = 4 to 5 per group). P values were calculated
        using Student’s t test (B). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.

        standard (IS) were well separated without any interference. Plasma   were randomly divided into the following five groups: control, US,   Downloaded from at Dalian University of Technology on October 20, 2021
        concentrations of C34 at different time points were determined   C34, NPe6 + US, and C34 + US. For SDT-treated groups, the mice
        after intravenous administration at a dose of 16 mg/kg body weight   were intravenously injected with C34 or NPe6 (16 mg/kg body
        (Fig. 4D). The pharmacokinetic parameters were analyzed by DAS   weight) and followed by US irradiation (1.064 MHz, 1.88 W/cm ,
        2.0 software, and the plasma concentration-time profile of C34 was   30 min) at 4 hours after administration of sonosensitizers. Each
        used a noncompartmental mode. Meanwhile, the analyzed data shown   group received three consecutive treatments from days 10, 15, and
        in table S3 suggested that C34 could be absorbed by tissues rapidly,   20, respectively (Fig. 5B). As shown in Fig. 5 (C to E), neither US
        resulting in a relatively slow elimination velocity (t 1/2z = 6.984 hours).  alone nor NPe6 + US induced an antitumor effect on solid tumor
                                                              growth, indicating that NPe6 + US treatment completely failed to
        Systemic tumor suppression                            control primary tumor development. By contrast, we observed a
        The in vivo antitumor effect of C34-mediated SDT was first assessed   pronounced inhibition in tumor progression in C34 + US–treated
        in the model of breast cancer with lung metastasis. The mouse 4T1   group, which, on day 35, had a mean tumor volume of 320 mm
        breast tumor is poorly immunogenic, highly tumorigenic, and invasive   compared with 660, 664, 470, and 643 mm  for the animals treated
        (39). Analogous to human mammary cancer, the 4T1 tumor can   with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), US, C34, and NPe6 + US, re-
        spontaneously metastasize from the primary tumor in the mammary   spectively. Unexpectedly, the primary solid tumor inhibitory efficacy
        gland to multiple distant sites including lymph nodes, blood, lung,   was found to be markedly improved by treating with C34 alone,
        and bone (40), which makes it a suitable experimental animal model   even superior to NPe6-mediated SDT (P = 0.004; Fig. 5C). Similar
        for evaluating the therapeutic effect against both primary and metastatic   but more pronounced effects were also observed when lung metastases
        tumors simultaneously. For in vivo treatment of SDT, a low-intensity   were analyzed. At the end of the experiment, mice were euthanized
        nonfocused US irradiation system was set up as illustrated in Fig. 5A.     and assessed for the extent of metastasis to lungs by examining the
        Usually, the mouse, except its head, was taped on the mouse holder   gross appearance of pulmonary nodules after fixation with Bouin’s
        and immersed in a degassed water bath along with the US transduc-  solution for 24 hours. Lungs of mice in the control group displayed
        er, which faced the tumor inoculation site of the mouse.  multiple apparent tumor nodules with various sizes on the surface
           Here, the breast cancer model with lung metastasis was estab-  (Fig. 5G, top, frontside; bottom, backside), whereas the C34 + US–
        lished by subcutaneous injection of 3 × 10  4T1 cells into the second   treated group showed very few visible tumor nodules in the lung,
        pair of mammary glands of female BALB/c mice (day 0). Once   indicating the substantially slower progression of metastasis compared
        the primary tumor volume reached ~50 mm , tumor-bearing mice   with the other groups (Fig. 5, G and H, and fig. S5). We further
        Wang et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabj4796     20 October 2021                                       5 of 15
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