Page 11 - An ultrasound-driven immune-boosting molecular machine for systemic tumor suppression
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        2.2%, much lower compared to PBS (78.6%)–, US (72.7%)–, C34   group, C34 + US led to a 2.17- or 1.61-fold increase in CD8  T cells,
        (30.1%)–, and NPe6 + US (72.1%)–treated groups. These data con-  suggesting the expansion and proliferation of CTLs in periphery,
        firmed the synergistic effect of C34-mediated SDT for controlling   which are considered as the major contributor to drive direct cyto-
        the aggressive tumor metastasis. During the therapeutic course, a   toxic killing of tumor cells (49). The percentage of CD4  T cells was
        slight decrease in body weight was observed when US was applied,   also slightly increased by C34 + US treatment, but not significantly
        but it was back to normal once US treatment was finished, implying   different from the other treated groups (Fig. 9C), which could be a
        the negligible toxicity caused by the treatments (Fig. 8E).  result of the more predominant CD8  T cell response induced by
                                                              C34-mediated SDT. CD69 is known to be a classical early marker of
        Systemic antitumor immunity induced by C34-mediated SDT  lymphocyte activation (50, 51). We next evaluated the expression of
        To test whether the immune effect induced by C34-mediated SDT   CD69 to assess the activated status of T cells from the treated mice.
        was systemic, T cell profiling in the spleen was analyzed in the colon   Consistently, C34 + US was found to induce a considerable increase
        cancer with the liver metastatic model after various treatments. As   in the percentage of CD69 CD8  T cells, but not significant in
        shown in Fig. 9 (A and C), compared with the control or NPe6 + US   CD69 CD4  T cells, in comparison to the other treated groups   Downloaded from at Dalian University of Technology on October 20, 2021

        Fig. 9. Systemic antitumor immunity induced by C34-mediated SDT in the colorectal cancer model with liver metastases. (A) Representative flow cytometry plots
        showing different groups of CD8  and CD4  T cells in spleen. (B) Flow cytometry plots showing percentages of CD69  or CD44  cells (gated on CD4 CD3  or CD8 CD3
        cells) in the spleen after various treatments. FSC, forward scatter. (C) Proportions of CD4  T cells and CD8  T cells in the spleen (gated on CD3  cells). MFI of CD69 (D) and CD44
        (E) marker expression on CD4  and CD8  T cells in the splenocytes (gated on CD3  cells). Data were shown as mean % ± SD [n = 4 per group (C to E)] and correspond to
        two independent experiments. Significant statistical analysis was calculated via two-way ANOVA. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001.
        Wang et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabj4796     20 October 2021                                      10 of 15
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