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        rate of 1 ml/min, 0 to 10 min, 70 to 95% B; 10 to 15 min, 95 to 100%   and C34 + US), US irradiation (1.064 MHz, 1.88 W/cm , 30 min)
        B; and 15 to 25 min, 100% B. The injection volume was 20 l, and   was conducted 4 hours after injection. Throughout the experiment,
        the detection wavelength was 400 nm.                  all mice were kept out of the light. The weight and tumor volume of
                                                              the mice in each group were measured regularly. Three days after
        Pharmacokinetic study                                 the last treatment, the mice were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal
        Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 220 to 250 g were obtained from   injection of Avertin (tribromoethanol), and subcutaneous tumors
        Liaoning Changsheng Biotechnology (Benxi, China). The animals   were extracted and weighed. The in vivo antitumor experiment was
        were fasted overnight with free access to water for at least 12 hours   repeated four times in this model.
        before administration. C34 was intravenously administered at a single   On day 35 after the implantation of 4T1 cells, we performed a PET/
        dose of 16 mg/kg body weight, and blood samples were collected   CT measurement to evaluate lung metastasis. All scans were performed
        from the suborbital vein into heparinized tubes at time intervals of   with a Super Nova small-animal PET/CT scanner (PINGSENG
        0.083, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 hours. Each collected blood   Healthcare, Jiangsu, China). Mice with the orthotopic implantation
        sample was immediately centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 10 min. The   of 4T1 cells to be monitored by  F-FDG PET/CT were fasted for
        plasma was separated and frozen below −80°C. The validated method   24 hours, with access to water only. Body weights were measured,
        as mentioned above was applied to extraction and HPLC analysis of   and mice were anesthetized by Avertin and injected using a tail-vein
        C34 in plasma. The concentration in plasma at different time points   catheter with 10 MBq/0.1 to 0.2  ml of  F-FDG. The lung was
        was calculated from the plasma calibration curve. The relevant   scanned by CT. PET data were acquired for 20 min following a de-
        pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by a drug and statistics   lay of 40 min to allow for FDG uptake. In the end, lungs were col-
        2.0 program (DAS 2.0, Mathematical Pharmacology Professional   lected and fixed with Bouin’s solution. Lung micrometastases in five
        Committee of China, Shanghai, China).                 lobes were counted directly through microscopic observation. Serum
                                                              was collected and analyzed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent
        Cross-priming assay in vitro                          assay (ELISA) kit for IFN-. For IFN- staining, frozen sections of
        B16-OVA cells were incubated with NPe6 (25 M) or C34 (25 M)   tumor tissues were fixed with Immunol Staining Fix Solution
        and then received irradiation (1.064 MHz, 3.21 W/cm ,10 min).   (Beyotime, catalog number P0098) for 10 min at room tempera-
        iBMDCs were added into each well and incubated for 2 days. The   ture, washed three times with PBS, permeabilized with Triton X-100
        OVAI-specific CD8  T cells were isolated from the splenocytes of   solution (Beyotime, catalog number P0096) for 20 min, and blocked
        OT-1 mice by using a CD8  T cell positive selection kit (STEM-  with Immunol Staining Blocking Buffer (Beyotime, catalog number
        CELL) and then added into each well. After incubating for 2 days,   P0102) for 1 hour. The sections were then incubated with primary
        all cells were collected and stained for flow cytometry analysis.  antibodies including anti–IFN- antibody (1:200 dilution; BioLegend,
                                                              catalog number 507801) overnight at 4°C. Sections were rinsed, incu-
        In vivo cytotoxicity assay                            bated with secondary antibodies (1:200 dilution; ProteinTech, cata-
        Melanoma-bearing mice, which were subcutaneously inoculated   log number SA00013-1) in the dark for 1 hour, and then stained
        with 1 × 10  B16-OVA cells, received C34 + US treatment for two   with DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole). The images were acquired   Downloaded from at Dalian University of Technology on October 20, 2021
        consecutive days. Seven days after the last treatment, splenocytes from   using a Leica DMi8 microscope and the THUNDER Imaging System.
        naive mice were pulsed with the OVA 257–264 peptide SIINFEKL and
        the irrelevant lung carcinoma H-2K  peptide Mut1 FEQNTAQP for   Colon cancer with hepatic metastasis model
        2 hours at 37°C. After washing three times with PBS, OVA 257–264   Here, we introduced a colorectal cancer hepatic metastasis model
        peptide-pulsed and Mut1-pulsed splenocytes were incubated with   using hemiplenectomy with little modification (65). BALB/c mice
        high (4 M; CFSE high ) and low (0.5 M; CFSE low ) concentrations of   were anesthetized with Avertin (240 mg/kg, intraperitoneally). A left
        carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) (Invitrogen),   flank incision was made to expose the spleen. The spleen was divided
        respectively, for 15 min and inverted them once every 5 min. An   into two hemispleens by using medium-sized Horizon surgical tita-
        equal amount of CFSE high - and CFSE -labeled splenocytes was intra-  nium clips, leaving the vascular pedicles intact. With a 27-gauge
        venously injected into PBS (control mice)– or C34 + US–treated   needle, 3 × 10  viable CT26 cells in 75 l of PBS were injected into
        mice and naive mice as control. Splenocytes were collected after 16 hours,   the spleen. Cells then flowed into the splenic and portal veins and
        and residual CFSE high  and CFSE low  target cells remaining in the re-  were deposited in the liver. The vascular pedicle draining the cancer-
        cipients’ spleens were analyzed by flow cytometry. % Specific cyto-  contaminated hemispleen was ligated with a small surgical clip. The
        toxicity = [1 − (ratio of CFSE high /CFSE  obtained from treated mice)/  CT26-contaminated hemispleen was then excised, leaving a functional
        (ratio of CFSE high /CFSE low  obtained from naive mice)] × 100% (64).  hemispleen free of tumor cells. The following treatments were the
                                                              same as the aforementioned procedures. This experiment was repeated
        Murine breast cancer model with lung metastases       two times. At the end of the experiment, mice were sacrificed and
        To establish breast cancer model with spontaneous lung metastasis,   livers were excised, weighed, and photographed, and afterward,
        4T1 cells (5 × 10 ) suspended in PBS were inoculated into the second   they were studied by pathological analysis.
        pair of mammary gland on BALB/c mice. Six days later, the tumors
        were allowed to reach ~30 mm  before the experiments. Mice were   FACS analysis
        randomly divided into five groups (n = 5), including (i) control, (ii)   Tumor tissues, lymph nodes, and spleens were collected from mice
        US alone, (iii) C34, (iv) NPe6 + US, and (v) C34 + US. PBS was   after SDT and homogenized into single-cell suspensions following
        intravenously injected into the control and US groups. The mice in   the established protocol (66, 67). Then, the cell suspensions were
        other groups were intravenously administered with NPe6 or C34   stained with different antibodies according to the standard proto-
        (16 mg/kg). In the US irradiation groups (i.e., US alone, NPe6 + US,   col. DCs in lymph nodes were stained with anti-CD11c–PE-Cy7

        Wang et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabj4796     20 October 2021                                      13 of 15
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