Page 9 - An ultrasound-driven immune-boosting molecular machine for systemic tumor suppression
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        tumors might be attributed to a successful augment of DC recruit-  fluorescence imaging showed higher CD80 (green) and CD86 (red)
        ment, maturation, and cross-presentation, leading to strong poten-  signals in the C34-treated group (Fig. 7C).
        tiation of tumor antigen–specific T cell responses.     We next investigated the tumor antigen cross-priming by DCs
                                                              in vitro because it is a key process for inducing the generation of
        Intrinsic immune-boosting capacity of C34             CTLs with specificity for tumor antigens (47). B16-OVA cells were
        DCs are the main professional APCs for induction of T cell–adap-  co-incubated with iBMDCs and OT-1 naive CD8  T cells after being
        tive responses (46). C34 treatment alone exhibited notable DC mat-  exposed to US, C34, NPe6 + US, or C34 + US. Notably, C34 + US
        uration and relative higher tumor infiltration of CD8  T cells in   treatment induced a significantly up-regulated expression of OVAI-
        comparison with the control group (Fig. 6, A to E), which might be   peptide-MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class I complexes
        the reason to explain why C34 was able to control the tumor pro-  (stained with 25D1.16 antibody) on CD8  BMDCs (Fig. 7, D and E),
        gression to some extent in the absence of US (Fig. 5, C, E, and H).   consequently resulting in the activation and proliferation of OVAI
        Given  the  impossibility of  C34  inducing  direct  cell  killing  effect   antigen–specific CD8  T cells (Fig.  7F). In consistency with the
        without US, we asked whether there was some intrinsic property   aforementioned observations, C34 itself could also initiate this cascade,
        governed by C34 having an impact on DCs. To elucidate this   although the activation levels were lower than in the C34 + US–
        hypothesis, immature bone marrow–derived DCs (iBMDCs)   treated group, which might be attributed to less tumor antigen ex-
        were used to evaluate the stimulation effect by analyzing the   posure in the absence of US. Collectively, these results confirmed
        up-regulations of costimulatory molecules CD80/CD86. Unexpect-  the intrinsic immune-boosting capacity of C34 and its potential
        edly, when the iBMDCs were cocultured with NPe6 or C34 for   synergistic role during SDT.
        6 hours, in the absence of US irradiation, the proportion of mature
        DCs (CD80 CD86 ) induced by C34 was 1.3-fold higher than that   Antimetastasis efficiency in aggressive liver
        of the NPe6-treated group (Fig. 7, A and B). The quantitative data   metastatic model
        confirmed that C34 could significantly facilitate the maturation   The synergistic cytotoxic and immune-boosting effects induced by
        of DCs in vitro, whereas CHC showed no obvious immune stimulation   C34-mediated SDT were further corroborated in a murine colorec-
        effect (Fig. 7B). Consistent with these observations, the results of   tal cancer model with hepatic metastases using hemisplenectomy.   Downloaded from at Dalian University of Technology on October 20, 2021

                                            +                                                          +   +    +
        Fig. 7. C34-mediated SDT elicited antigen-specific CD8  CTL response. (A and B) Representative profiles (A) and proportions of matured DCs (CD11c CD80 CD86 )
        were analyzed by flow cytometry after being cocultured with different sonosensitizers for 6 hours (B). (C) Fluorescence imaging of matured DCs stained with CD80-FITC
        and CD86-allophycocyanin after incubation with different sonosensitizers. Scale bars, 200 m. (D and E) Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of 25D1.16 antibody labeling
        on CD8  BMDCs (gated on CD11c CD8  DCs) in the cellular cocultured system. (F) Proportions of OVAI antigen–specific CD8  T cells cross-primed by 25D1.16 CD8  DCs
        in the cellular cocultured system. Data were shown as mean % ± SD [n = 4 per group (B, E, and F)] and were compared with one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple com-
        parison test (B and E) or Student’s t test (F). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.01, and ****P < 0.001. ns, not significant.
        Wang et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabj4796     20 October 2021                                       8 of 15
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