Page 8 - An ultrasound-driven immune-boosting molecular machine for systemic tumor suppression
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        Fig. 6. C34-mediated SDT potentiated the adaptive antitumor immune responses in the 4T1 breast cancer model with lung metastasis. (A and B) Percentages of   Downloaded from at Dalian University of Technology on October 20, 2021
        mature DCs (CD11c CD80 CD86 ) in tumor in situ (A) and tumor-draining lymph nodes (B) were analyzed by flow cytometry after different treatments. (C) Representative
        histogram profiles of CD3  cells in the tumor tissues of different treated groups. (D) Representative profiles of flow cytometry showing the percentages of infiltrated CD8
        T cells in the tumor tissues of different groups. (E) Proportions of the infiltrated CD8  T cells in the primary tumors. (F) Immunofluorescence analysis of IFN- production
        on the tissue sections of the collected primary tumors. Scale bars, 200 m. (G and H) Proportions of CFSE high -OVAI–pulsed target cells lysed by effector CD8  CTLs in the
        splenocytes of C34 + US–treated or control group were determined by in vivo cytotoxicity assay. (I) IFN- levels in the serum of different treated groups, determined by
        enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Data were shown as means ± SD [n = 3 per group (A, B, E, and I); n = 4 per group (G and H)], corresponding to four indepen-
        dent experiments, and were compared with Student’s t test (A, B, and H) or one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test (E and I). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
        ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001.
        SDT, compared with the NPe6 + US group. As a consequence, C34 +   CD8  T cells because they were reported as the main producer of
        US led to substantial expansion and infiltration of CD8  T cells in   IFN- (45). The in vivo cytotoxicity assay showed the significant
        the tumor tissue, indicating the generation of a more robust CD8    lysis (up to 42%) of CFSE high –ovalbumin I (OVAI)–pulsed target
        T cell response (Fig. 6, C to E). The antitumor functions of these   cells, suggesting the antigen-specific cytolytic effect of those effector
        CD8  T cells were further confirmed by intracellular interferon-   CD8  CTLs primed by C34 + US treatment (Fig. 6, G and H).
        (IFN-) staining and in vivo cytotoxicity assay. IFN- has been widely   In addition, the serum level of IFN- was remarkably elevated in
        recognized for its proinflammatory capability in mediating antitumor   the C34 + US–treated group compared to other treated or control
        immunity (44). Consistently, a higher amount of IFN- production   group (Fig. 6I). Together, these data supported the idea that, in
        was found in the tumor tissue sections from C34 + US–treated group   addition to the direct tumoricidal effects, the outperformance of
        (Fig. 6F), which, by large, originated from the tumor-infiltrating   C34-mediated SDT in controlling both primary and metastatic
        Wang et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabj4796     20 October 2021                                       7 of 15
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