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        with an identical chemical structure to Ce6 was successfully pre-  metathesis  reactions.  The  aspartic  acid  side  chain  was  introduced  at
        pared from the natural spirulina powders originating in Chenghai   C-15  regioselectively using 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbo-
        Lake in Yunnan Province, China, which was named Chenghai chlorin   diimide hydrochloride (EDCI) as a condensing agent, followed by
        (CHC) (25). Our early findings demonstrated that the introduction   hydrolysis to yield C34 (fig. S1).
        of the -extension system to the macrocyclic structure of CHC could   The ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectra of CHC,
        finely modulate its photochemical features, molecular lipophilicity,   NPe6, and C34 in methanol are shown in Fig. 2B. The C34 molecule
        and even ROS production ability toward favorable directions in   demonstrated a considerable bathochromic shift (7 nm) in both
        PDT (25, 26). On the basis of this, we suspected that the -extension   Soret and Qy bands compared with CHC or NPe6. The redshift
        system might be able to improve sonochemical properties, SDT ef-  might be due to the -extension effect caused by the conjugated
        fect, and other molecular properties of CHC as well.  connection of the aromatic groups to 3-vinyl of chlorin macrocycle,
           Here, we designed a “molecular machine” named DYSP-C34   which had been fully studied in our previous work (26). As similarly
        (abbreviated as C34) by introducing 3 -aryl and 15-aspartyl sub-  observed in fluorescence spectra (Fig.  2C), C34 showed distinct
        stituents to CHC. Our results revealed that this strategic chemical   emission bands, with a closely 8-nm bathochromic shift in compari-
        modification successfully endowed the resultant molecule, C34, with   son to CHC or NPe6.
        multiple favorable properties, such as improved lipophilic/hydrophilic   To assess the acoustic responsive activity of the C34 molecule,
        balance, intensified US-induced ROS production capacity, and   one self-designed low-intensity US irradiation system was set up for
        better cellular permeability, resulting in the excellent tumor target   in vitro study (Fig. 2D). Currently, the most common US exposure
        efficiency and notable SDT-mediated tumor regression. Unexpectedly,
        C34 itself exhibited mild immunogenicity by stimulating APCs   which the medium-containing cell culture dish is placed above the
        directly. The sono/immunosynergistic effect induced by C34-mediated   center of the transducer (fig. S2) (27–29). In this way, US spreads
        SDT could profoundly regress tumor systemically (Fig. 1).  through the bottom of the dish to the water-air boundary on the top
                                                              (30–32), resulting in the formation of standing waves (32), which
                                                              are unstable, less reproducible, and much easier for causing cellular
        RESULTS                                               mechanical damage (33). Thus, to completely eliminate standing
        Preparation and characterization of C34               waves, we designed an US irradiation configuration with a 1.0-MHz
        The scheme of preparation of C34 is shown in Fig. 2A. CHC was   therapeutic transducer (20 mm in diameter) on the side of the tank
        prepared from chlorophyll a, which was extracted from spirulina   that was coated with an ultrasonic absorbent material to minimize
        powders derived from Chenghai Lake in Yunnan Province, China,   water-air boundary reflections (Fig. 2D). In addition, under this
        as we previously reported (25). The synthesis of 3 -(4-methoxyphenyl)-   optimal free-field condition, the pressure amplitude and system
        15 -aspartyl-CHC is described in fig. S1. Briefly, (E)-3 -(4-methoxyphenyl)-      temperature could be maintained to be very stable during US ex-
        CHC (A15) was prepared from CHC via Ru-catalyzed olefin   posure (Fig. 2E). The root mean square pressure (p RMS) amplitude

                                                              configuration is usually equipped with a transducer at its bottom, in  Downloaded from at Dalian University of Technology on October 20, 2021

        Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the process of the potent US-driven molecular machine, C34, for systemic tumor suppression. C34 molecular machine had pref-
        erential tumor accumulation ability, potent US-triggered cytotoxicity, and intrinsic immune-boosting capacity.
        Wang et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabj4796     20 October 2021                                       2 of 15
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