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        HEALTH AND MEDICINE                                                                        Copyright © 2021
                                                                                                   The Authors, some
        An ultrasound-driven immune-boosting molecular                                             rights reserved;
                                                                                                   exclusive licensee
        machine for systemic tumor suppression                                                     American Association
                                                                                                   for the Advancement
        Liu Wang , Guangzhe Li *, Lei Cao , Yi Dong , Yang Wang , Shisheng Wang , Yueqing Li ,     of Science. No claim to
        Xiuhan Guo , Yi Zhang , Fangfang Sun , Xuemei Du , Jiangan Su , Qing Li , Xiaojun Peng ,   original U.S. Government
                                                                                                   Works. Distributed
        Kun Shao *, Weijie Zhao *                                                                  under a Creative
                                                                                                   Commons Attribution
        Exploring facile and effective therapeutic modalities for synergistically controlling primary tumor and metastasis   License 4.0 (CC BY).
        remains a pressing clinical need. Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) offers the possibility of noninvasively eradicating
        local solid tumors, but lacks antimetastatic activity because of its limited ability in generating systemic antitumor
        effect. Here, we exploited a previously unidentified ultrasound-driven “molecular machine,” DYSP-C34 (C34 for short),
        with multiple attractive features, emerging from preferential tumor accumulation, potent ultrasound-triggered
        cytotoxicity, and intrinsic immune-boosting capacity. Driven by the ultrasound, C34 functioned not only as a
        tumor cell killing reagent but also as an immune booster that could potentiate robust adaptive antitumor immunity
        by directly stimulating dendritic cells, resulting in the eradication of the primary solid tumor along with the inhibition
        of metastasis. This molecular machine, C34, rendered great promise to achieve systemic treatment against cancer
        via unimolecule-mediated SDT.
        INTRODUCTION                                            Notably, accumulating evidence has suggested that the SDT pro-
        Cancer therapy has evolved slowly with very rare successes (1).   cess could initiate, but in a very limited way, host antitumor immunity
        Although conventional therapies, such as radiation therapy, surgery,   (10) by inducing immunogenic cell death (ICD) of dying cancer cells,
        and chemotherapy, have improved treatment effects against well-   which is characterized by the release of “danger” signals (11–13),
        defined primary solid tumors, curative outcomes still remain unsat-  thus enabling antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to trigger “vaccine-like”
        isfactory especially in patients with the occurrence of metastatic   immune responses. Unfortunately, the extent of immune responses
        tumor, which actually contributes to more than 90% of mortality in   arising from SDT is not yet robust enough to efficiently control tumor
        cancer patients (2). The reason could be a result of less accessibility   growth and metastasis (14, 15). To harness the potency of the sys-
        of most therapeutics to microscopic tumor lesions, which occurred   temic antitumor immunity, the development of sono/immuno-
        in secondary organs. For this case, by mounting a dynamic antitu-  combinational therapy has been exploited as an attractive strategy
        mor immune response, immunotherapy has been shown to be most   to amplify the overall therapeutic effect (16), mostly through the   Downloaded from at Dalian University of Technology on October 20, 2021
        beneficial in tackling the tumor cells, particularly the ones hiding in   nanocarriers to co-deliver the sonosensitizers and the adjuvants or
        the “corner” of the body (3, 4). However, the immunotherapeutic   checkpoint inhibitors, of which the effectiveness in mouse models
        effect against solid tumors was hindered by the unamiable tumor   has been validated in many studies (10, 12, 17). While the importance
        microenvironment (5). Therefore, the development of a novel can-  of nanomedicine continues to be highlighted, the biodegradability
        cer therapeutic modality, which is able to destroy the primary solid   and biosafety of these complicated nanosystems are always brought
        tumor together with recognizing, suppressing, and even eliminat-  as the major concerns for their further clinical translation. Driven
        ing the residual cancer cells at the site of metastasis, has been widely   by practical clinical benefits, the motivation for exploring a “small
        considered as the ultimate goal in the battle against cancer.  molecular machine,” which is equipped with synchronized functions
           Being a representative noninvasive cancer treatment, sonodynamic   of tumor targetability, acoustic responsive activity, and immune-
        therapy (SDT), which was adapted from photodynamic therapy   boosting capacity to achieve profound antitumor outcomes, has become
        (PDT), has recently garnered substantial interests in cancer therapy,   more realistic.
        mainly because of its great advantage of deep tissue penetration   Natural products are a constant source of leads for many bioactive
        (6, 7). SDT uses synergetic interaction between the low-intensity   molecules, which hold promise for being developed as new medi-
        ultrasound (US) and a sonosensitizer to elicit cytotoxic effects. Cur-  cines (18). Chlorin e6 (Ce6), isolated from green plants or silkworm
        rently, the most accepted mechanism suggests that the US-activated   excrement, is a second-generation sensitizer with potent sonosensi-
        sonosensitizers lead to conversion of molecular oxygen to various   tivity (19). A number of studies have shown that Ce6-mediated SDT
        highly reactive oxygen species (ROS), which induces apoptosis and   was capable of suppressing the proliferation of hepatoma cells (20),
        necrosis of tumor cells (8, 9).                       breast cancer cells (21), human lung adenocarcinoma cells (22), etc.
                                                              However, low bioavailability, poor solubility, and tendency to ag-
                                                              gregate in the biologic medium hinder in vivo applications of Ce6
         State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Department of Pharmacy, School of   (23). Many new types of chlorin-based sensitizers have been exten-
        Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.
        2                                                     sively exploited because of their structural flexibility for straight-
         State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian
        University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.  Nuclear Medicine, First Affiliated   forward chemical modification. For example,  talaporfin sodium
        Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116021, China.  EEC Biotech Co. Ltd,   [mono-l-aspartyl Ce6 (NPe6)] has been approved in Japan in 2003
        Guangzhou 510070, China.                              as a commercial photosensitizer for the treatment of early-stage lung
        *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (G.L.); [email protected]
        (K.S.); [email protected] (W.Z.)                     cancers (24). Previously, in our laboratory, a chlorophyll derivative
        Wang et al., Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabj4796     20 October 2021                                       1 of 15
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